Growth strategy for faster growth
How can I secure the future of my company?
A valley of ideas and opportunities
Companies have responsibility: for their customers, for their employees and, last but not least, for their corporate purpose. Sustainable and healthy growth is therefore necessary to meet this responsibility. And so that they can also secure their existence in the future. However, only those who can hold their own in a competitive environment can grow. Or fill new niches.
A valley of ideas and opportunities
Companies have responsibility: for their customers, for their employees and, last but not least, for their corporate purpose. Sustainable and healthy growth is therefore necessary to meet this responsibility. And so that they can also secure their existence in the future. However, only those who can hold their own in a competitive environment can grow. Or fill new niches.
Healthy growth is the engine of corporate success.
The markets are changing rapidly. Through digitalisation, through the changing demands of consumers or B2B customers, through new market mechanisms. Those who want to survive must also change: Companies can discover and seize new market opportunities.
Or even open up new markets:be it in Asia or the USA. But also at home. A growth strategy for faster growth is needed.
But how does it work? After all, getting out of your comfort zone is difficult enough. But in addition to this, to get a whole organisation to pull along and bring the company forward?
Waiting and hoping is not an option. This quotation, which is probably wrongly attributed to Albert Einstein, is quite accurate:
“Madness is when you do the same thing over and over and expect different results.”
You have the choice to realign your company. Es liegt an Ihnen, Ihre Chance zu nutzen!
“In this country, you must run as fast as you can to stay in the same place. And if you wanna get somewhere else, you gotta run at least twice as fast.”
(Lewis Carroll, Alice im Wunderland)
In the FMCG market it is particularly clear that products are increasingly perceived by consumers as interchangeable. There are hardly any real innovations left, at most product variations. The market shares are distributed, attempts are being made to dig away a small part from other competitors, but major growth opportunities are usually no longer to be expected.
And this is where lateral thinkers and over-the-hill thinkers come into play: simply rethinking the market. Moving market boundaries, poaching in foreign target groups. The British brand Propercorn has shown it with its “properly done” popcorn varieties. By finding new customers in the target group of chip eaters. And so – and, of course, with many other ideas and courage – they easily moved the market boundaries in the snacking market.
We act as your sparring partner, help to discover new markets and develop a strategy to open up new markets or shift market boundaries.